“As a nation we are facing unprecedented challenges and there are some important opportunities and decisions ahead of us. Arts and culture are poised to play a significant role in helping Australia’s recovery. That is why understanding the drivers that inform our public policy settings for arts and culture is crucial for our future” writes the Australian Academy of the Humanities their latest report, drawing on 70 years of Australian and international arts, cultural and creative policies.

The report identifies four key policy drivers needed to promote informed discussion about Australia’s cultural policy in order to encourage relevant and effective public and private investments in arts and culture.

In summary, the four key cultural policy drivers are:


    The purpose of arts and culture is to help groups of otherwise disparate individuals to unite around a collective identity that builds on the things they have (or can be argued to have) in common.


    The purpose of arts and culture is to help build the reputation of a country, region, organisation or individual, often by associating these entities or individuals with standards of excellence as defined by relevant stakeholders.


    The purpose of arts and culture is to provide spillover benefits in areas of societal concern (like education, health and disaster recovery) to the widest range of people possible.


    The purpose of arts and culture is to contribute to the nation’s economic prosperity, either directly through income and/or employment generation, or indirectly by influencing innovation.


For more information on the key findings and opportunities, and to download the full report follow this link:


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Posted by Ian Thomson