Written by Nathan Bell.

As a neurodiverse artist living with Bipolar, schizoaffective disorder and autism, I understand the value of support when striving towards my creative goals. It’s important for me to be surrounded by empathetic people who understand my difficulties. This is why I am happy Australia has the NDIS and that I have found the creative arts focused service I attend in Newcastle, Rely-Ability.

The team at Rely-Ability knows that I won’t let my disability hold me back. They know that I am very ambitious and that I have big dreams of success. In Newcastle, I am best known for my debut science fiction/fantasy novel ‘Kings of the New Age: The Quest of the Balancing Stones’ which is set in Australia after a nuclear war. I wrote the book with support from two creative writing mentors provided by Rely-Ability. Rely-Ability mentor Robert Burley supported me with plot development and mentor Brooke Forbes edited ‘Kings of the New Age: The Quest of the Balancing Stones’. Since publishing the novel through Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing I have sold close to seven hundred copies. I sell the book and my other art in a pop-up street stall I operate on Beaumont Street in Hamilton, Newcastle.

I am now finishing my second novel ‘22 Century Man’ which is set in Australia, one hundred years in the future. This novel is being written with support from my new creative writing mentor from Rely-Ability, Tom Pahlow. Rely-Ability staff support me with a variety of other creative ventures as well, including animation, digital media, music production, painting and more.

Rely-Ability also helps me to run my YouTube channel ‘Nathan Bell & The Revolutionaries’ where I publish my music, videos of myself performing and my Vlog series, where I discuss my thoughts on life.

Rely-Ability operates two creative centres in the Hunter Valley which I access. These centres are equipped with the latest hardware and software for producing a variety of art and media. I aspire to a career in the arts and want to start a creative business. I first tried to start a media production business seven years ago when I participated in Newcastle Council’s Renew Newcastle arts program. Now, Rely-Ability supports me with my artistic ambitions. I have appeared in the media numerous times promoting my art including featuring in a story about Rely-Ability on local news and being interviewed on ABC Newcastle radio twice about my book. I have also had my music played on several radio stations.

The team at Rely-Ability and I believe that anyone who is motivated can succeed with support. The service has worked hard to help me establish my reputation as a professional creator. My dream is to see my stories turned into major motion pictures and television series filmed in Australia. I believe that with the support of Rely-Ability, I will achieve this goal in the coming years. In the past, I have done voluntary work as a mental health advocate. I promote creative solutions to mental health issues and recovery through the arts.

I say that we go to the gym to exercise our physical health and we do art and creativity to exercise our mental health. The team at Rely-Ability and I plan on bringing a creative revolution to Australia and we hope to inspire people in this nation to heal and grow through art.

Rely-Ability website: https://rely-ability.com.au

Image credit: Nathan Bell


Posted by Nathan Bell
Nathan Bell is a motivated young artist, song writer, performer, and creative writer.