Dr Olivia Karaolis

Olivia holds a degree in acting (Ensemble Acting Studios), a master’s degree in early childhood intervention (Griffith University), a PhD (University of Sydney, and a diploma in Puppet Therapy (Internacional Puppet Therapy BCN).

Lives/Works on

Gadigal Country | Sydney, NSW

Professional role/s


Lecturer in Special and Inclusive Education


University of Sydney, UNIMA, Sydney Cares Policy Lab, CREATE Research Centre


Drama/Theatre; Puppetry

Arts health role/s

Arts Health Practitioner/Program Facilitator; Professional Educator; Researcher

Olivia holds a degree in acting (Ensemble Acting Studios), a master’s degree in early childhood intervention (Griffith University), a PhD (University of Sydney, and a diploma in Puppet Therapy (Internacional Puppet Therapy BCN). Olivia’s research interests and expertise revolve around the inclusion of children and young people with disabilities in education with a particular focus on the application of the creative arts as a pedagogy to address ableism and inequity. Her current role as Lecturer Special and Inclusive Education, Sydney School of Education and Social Work draws on her extensive expertise teaching children and young people with disabilities in Australia and in the United States.

Olivia’s work in this area was recognized in California with her appointment as an Inclusion Consultant for the Los Angeles Unified School District, an invitation to be part of the Early Start Interdisciplinary Assessment team for the Californian Department of Disability and the awarding of a contract to implement creative arts to underserved urban school is Los Angeles by the Kennedy Centre, VSA.