We are a peak advocacy and advisory Association supporting creative and cultural activities for health and wellbeing. Our members include artists, practitioners, program developers and leaders, social enterprise creators, social change agents, healthcare professions and researchers in arts, cultural practice and health, covering a wide range of issues, approaches and specialist areas.

We provide:

  • Connections and support across the sector
  • Knowledge and practice sharing and exchange
  • Consultation and advice on arts and health policies and programs
  • Special programs, such as mini mentorships, member profiles, advocacy and policy development 


We value health, and creativity. We see health and creativity as inseparable and founded in human connection. We understand health as constituted through creativity, culture, community and country, as modelled by the First People and Custodians of this country.

We value leadership. We understand leadership as collective action, as creating opportunities for all of us, through sharing our vision.

Our values are practices. We practice deep listening and engaging ethically and in partnership with communities, carers, clinicians, artists, organisers: with all who seek health, or who seek to support health.

Our Mission is to:

  • CREATE ACCESS to arts and culture for everybody, where and when they need it
  • SEE and CELEBRATE how creative and cultural activity is central to health and wellbeing, as individuals and as a society
  • SHARE projects, models of practice, and research evidence in the sector
  • CONNECT those working or interested in arts, cultural practice and health with each other
  • ADVOCATE at policy, funding, system, practice and consumer levels, for the profound importance of arts, cultural practice and health

We are an Incorporated Association under the NSW Associations Incorporation Act 2009, managed by a Committee composed of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and three Lay Members, elected annually, along with a Public Officer and a Media Officer. Membership is by application ratified by the Committee and with an annual fee of $20. Members enjoy benefits including hosting a profile here.