AHNNA Creative Exchange / Refugee Art Project (RAP) Event Summary.

The AHNNA Creative Exchange event was held on January 30, 2025, in collaboration with the Refugee Art Project (RAP) in Ashfield, Sydney’s Inner West. Centered around the theme of “HOME,” members of the AHNNA team guided participants through movement exercises, artistic expressions, and collaborative craft activities inspired by this concept. Photo Credit: Safdar Ahmed from the Refugee Art Project @refugeeartproject.

Movement Workshop:

After an introduction to AHNNA by Gail Kenning, who provided an overview of the background and future aims of the organisation, Diane Busuttil from Creative Caring led a 30-minute movement workshop. It began with a group warm-up, encouraging participants to connect with their heart center.

Participants first focused on their hands, walking around the room to explore the space and engage with others through eye contact. Diane then guided them to find their own space, grounding themselves by standing comfortably with their feet firmly on the floor. Throughout the session, they were encouraged to move with curiosity, allowing their hands to lead and embracing freedom of expression.

The workshop then shifted focus to the heart, emphasising it as an internal home and a safe space within the body. From this stillness, participants were invited to move, letting their heart’s rhythm guide them. Improvisation and body awareness were central, with some exploring isolated movements and others engaging in broader motion, always returning to the heart as a point of connection.

Participants responded positively, appearing open and engaged as they expressed their feelings of home through movement and words. The session fostered a nurturing and supportive atmosphere, smoothly transitioning into the visual art component.

Visual Art & Craft Workshop:

The Visual Art & Craft Workshop, led by Michelle Jersky from Sydney Children’s Hospitals Network (Randwick) and supported by artist Tom Isaacs, invited participants to “take a seat at the table” to explore the art materials and begin their creative process. This invitation symbolised occupying a space where artists could assert their presence, influence, and voice—especially for those who may not always have felt agency in expressing their experiences.

Each seat was set with art materials, a calico cushion cover with a zipper, and handouts featuring phrases and quotations on the theme of home. The walls displayed didactic sheets with images of homes from various countries, word lists related to home, and children’s books exploring the concept (e.g., Mirror by Jeannie Baker, Room on Our Rock by Kate & Jol Temple and Terri Rose Baynton).

Expanding on the theme of “home,” the participants were invited to engage as artists embellishing their cushion covers, symbolising a soft landing—a safe, supportive space. They had access to materials like needles and thread, ribbon, buttons, fabric, and Sharpies, with creative choices left entirely open. Artists were encouraged to consider formal elements such as line, colour, composition, shape, and text. Once completed, each cushion cover was filled with an insert and displayed collectively in a grid-like arrangement on a table outside. Artists gathered around the display to reflect on their work, share experiences, and celebrate their creations. Each artist was also photographed with their cushion cover design.

During the reflection, artists discussed their work, connecting their designs to themes of belonging, home, place, journey, culture, and identity. Together, their creations formed a rich tapestry of personal and collective meditations on the meaning of home, explored through both body and mind. At the end of the engagement participants felt empowered to linger and share their experiences further and how the creative process created a sense of connection with the other group members.

The wonderful outcomes of the cushions can be seen on Creative Caring’s website.

Participant Testimonials:

“Thank you so much for looking out for my mother, she loved it”.

“It was a wonderful workshop, so heartfelt, stimulating and generous. With gratitude to the facilitators for a beautiful afternoon of creativity and discovery”.


Article written by Diane Busuttil and Michelle Jersky, with editing by Elyssa Sykes-Smith.

Posted by Elyssa Sykes-Smith.
  • Diane Busuttil is a dance artist and film-maker working with a socially engaged practice. She founded Creative Caring, an initiative that uses dance and theatre to build social connections. Creative Caring focuses on the intersection of arts and health, bringing together people from diverse backgrounds and abilities to address personal and societal challenges.
  • Michelle Jersky is an artist and art historian who has worked at Sydney Children’s Hospital Network (Randwick) since 2009, leading the arts in health Ngala Nanga Mai Program.
  • Tom Isaacs is a contemporary artist and academic living on Wallumedegal land, Sydney. Working primarily in the fields of live performance, video, and textiles, he explores themes of mental health, care, and the profound importance of human relationships.
  • Gail Kenning, Artist and researcher at Big Anxiety Research Centre, University New South Wales.
  • Elyssa Sykes-Smith is a multidisciplinary artist, educator and climate psychology researcher, and Media Officer at AHNNA.