Dear AHNNA members,

Goodness it was wonderful to see so many people in person at our meeting in March. And since then there have been a series of wonderful conferences – with more to come.

To ensure that those who aren’t in Sydney don’t miss out, our next meeting will be online.

Wednesday May 15, 4.45-5.45pm.

Register here:

(You have to register to receive the zoom link, as a security precaution).

The big question before us is: what shall we do together this year?


Here are some proposals that we will consider:

1. Shall we produce a small book of tips and tricks and how we managed in difficult situations or when things failed?

We might have an opportunity to do this in collaboration with the CASE Incubator artists from the Cadfactory. The Cadfactory has run a program that nurtures socially engaged artists – the CASE Incubator. The alumni of this program had been thinking along similar lines and we can discuss how to work together or separately.

2. Shall we develop a range of mini mentorships to support artists interested in developing a practice and a career in arts and health?

This is also an initiative from the Cadfactory.

3. Shall we develop a set of mini mentorships for non artists (especially health policy and practitioner people)?

This might extend the impact of a mini mentorship program into the space where we’re not preaching to the choir!

4. Shall we simply have 3 or so more workshops like our March one, in which different artist facilitators help us identify what our sector needs and how we can respond to that need?

5. Should we look to expand our social media reach and content creation?

6. Would AHNNA’s mission best be served by an annual half day event to share news and practice and connect with each other?


Come and share your views and connect with your people – we cant wait to see you.

Register here:


Posted by Dr Claire Hooker

Senior Lecturer, Health and Medical Humanities; Director, Bioethics program, Sydney Health Ethics, Faculty of Medicine and Health, University of Sydney