Paul McDonald’s photographic work explores the fragile balance between masculinity and vulnerability. Paul’s journey into the arts started at a young age and was propelled by a sense of wanting to understand more about himself. A reminder of the power of the arts not only to heal, but to find a sense of self.
In this recent article published in The Guardian, the photographer emphasises the role that expressing himself through the arts, forged a stronger, more confident sense of self-identity. Paul reflects on representations of gender, power and violence, but also on emotion, collaboration and self-determination.
” I struggled with my sense of identity from an early age. This is when art and music become an integral part of my wellbeing and a way to process and understand myself. I would often think about where I belonged, who I was and how I should present myself to the world.”

Paul’s work was also recently featured in the Arts Health Network exhibition ‘The Making Effect’.
Feature Image provided by the artist: Untitled 6 from the series resonance_Paul McDonald
Posted by Ian Thomson